You feel restless and a bit bored, in need of a change.
It can happen at any stage of your life – the desire to do something different.
You find your mind wandering to other ways you could be spending each day. You might often daydream about your friends’ work and what it might be like to be in those roles.
Perhaps you keep checking out postings on Indeed but never do anything about it.
Staying is easier than making a change.
It is possible that you have never liked your career path and never actually selected it for yourself. You fell into something early on for whatever reason.
Although you regularly think about making a change, it has been easier to stay in that unsatisfying groove than to do something about it.
And the years somehow have whizzed by, and you are scared that you will never be happy at work.
You may be looking for a new goal.
Another scenario is that you have been wildly successful in your career, even more than you ever imagined. You are respected in your field and have accumulated the wealth for which you hoped.
Now, you have enough money to pay for your children’s college and fund a secure retirement. You are proud and grateful to arrive at this moment.
However, you have always been the kind of person who needs a goal to accomplish. What will your next goal be? Perhaps you want to find a job where you can “give back” and do something important for society. Maybe you are in the position to do something bold and get involved in a start-up.
The challenge is how big a change and how to make the transition.
One stumbling block that career changers struggle with is defining what they want to do.
How big a change do they have the desire for?
What are the possibilities?
This is where I come into the picture.
I can help you figure out the answer to all these questions. We will look at how you feel about your current situation and the history of your unfulfillment.
We may want to take an in-depth look at what kinds of jobs will make you happier, given the person you have evolved into (after all, you are not 18 anymore!)
We will look at the practical side of things – more specifically, how willing you may be to spend time and money to cultivate an alternate career and how much you care to invest.
Changing careers almost always involves trade-offs, and we will define on what you are willing to compromise.
Reframing expectations may be a better approach.
You may conclude that your financial obligations at this stage are too much to justify changing careers.
Therefore, we may then explore other options for you – how to reframe your expectations about work, how changing jobs might make a difference, or even what leisure pursuit would add some joy to your routine.
Alternatively, change is imperative.
You may also conclude that absolutely, you are ready for a career change.
We will then map out what it will take to get to the role you desire – as in what additional training or certifications will allow you to be competitive.
Making the change requires preparation.
Finally, I can be your guide and accountability coach when you are ready to take action to change.
You may be completely baffled about how to adapt your resume and LinkedIn profile toward your new career path or how to demonstrate to others that you can do the job that you crave.
While working together, we will break down the job search process into manageable chunks, while you learn what is important to know. Every step of the way, you will receive support and encouragement from me.
If you get stuck, we can analyze what is getting in the way. I will offer you some approaches to get back on track. I will walk next to you throughout your journey to your new role; and, ultimately, it will be my greatest pleasure to help you celebrate a new beginning.
So, take the first step.
If you have the sense that you and I might work well together, pick up the phone and let’s begin.
I can’t wait to meet you.
Please call me at (215) 321-1331. We’ll figure out a time for a free 20-minute consultation.